Thursday, April 18, 2013

:: Hello Gus ::

Hello there fine folks!
It's been a bit since I've updated .. and with good reason. Our little fella decided to show up three weeks early, so I found myself in the hospital on April 10th surrounded by lots of love, family, and this sweet face.

It's been a week now and we are all adjusting quite well. Ruby and Harvey have been in complete awe of him since he came home. It definitely makes me smile to see this little family continue to grow.

~ wishing you all a lovely week ...


  1. Ah!!!! He is precious!!
    Congrats to you and your sweet little family.
    (PS. I think he looks like your brother.)

  2. thanks lady! he has been called a little Matthew on several occasions already :)

  3. Such sweetness! I love these photos. He looks like a happy, relaxed little guy.

  4. thanks Karen! so far so good on the taking it easy on us front!
