Wednesday, April 3, 2013

: patches galore :

As of late I haven't been sewing quite as much.

Our new fella is pretty much at go time any day now .. so I've been making sure to spend most of my time with the kids and with getting this house ready for a new little life. I've been prepping the shop for a bit of a break so I can take care of this brood.

I've spent the last little bit updating pictures and adding a few new items here and there. I'm not going to put the shop on vacation mode or anything .. I'm just planning on devoting a lot less time to keeping it up for a bit. So making sure it is in a good place to do that is a great way to give me a little peace of mind. 

Those new items here and there have mostly been patches, with the exception of one new bag. I have got to say, I'm really enjoying making these patches. They are oh so fun to whip up. 

Happy Wednesday all ~ 

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